Some Updates

Some updates.

I’m traveling for my new day gig. Lots. Mrs. Matson is pissed and the brood misses having dad around every night. Opportunities sometimes cause situations like this to pop up. This too shall pass.

This also means I have the indelible displeasure of having to deal with the TSA on a twice weekly basis. Awesome. To top it off, most of said travel is to Detroit. Lovely – which is actually not that bad where I happen to be while there, though I have gear cached and a detailed E&E plan to head 180 if I need to.

On top of this I am involved in a few web/software type startups. I generally roll the dice on stuff like this to see what can come out of a little effort. Sometimes the payoff is high. Most times not.

Finally, I started a drone manufacturing company last week while out on the road. It will be based in GA unless something radical changes on that front. I will share details as that one progresses because I believe it has the most significance to what I talk about here. Like Kerodin’s citadel and arms company, this org will strive to build for the citizenry in support of liberty and freedom. Details soon with pics of the prototypes.


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